

Edinburgh Zoo to repair, restore and

re-commission their old waterfall

Project repairing and recommissioning the old Waterfall at Edinburgh Zoo

Plumpton College for Phase 2 building various exhibits in the Animal Centre

Drusillas Zoo Park welcomes Eurasian Lynx wildcats for first time

Video tour from Zoo Animal Manager Mark, of the new Lynx enclosure at Drusillas Park

So Satisfying to see them enjoying their new home at project at Drusillas Park

Alan Bishop THEMEWORKS Ltd at the British Museum building the Australia Garden

Artificial Rockwork for the Otter enclosure at

Paradise Wildlife Park, Hoddesdon

Artificial Rockwork for the Lion Enclosure at the Wildlife Centre, Isle of Wight

Spray Painting Artificial Rock Wall

Artificial Rockwork, Grotto and Waterfall. Private Commission, Eastbourne

Artificial Rockwork Cave/Grotto with fibre-optic lights at Plantasia, Cardiff

Last day at Plumpton College. Installing a bit of artificial planting 

‘Condition survey report’ on this beautiful little Victorian Pulhamite grotto. Built from brick and sand/cement render

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